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Witnesses to the healing of Betty Baxter

Personal Testimonies of those who were eye witnesses to Betty Baxter’s healing Sunday afternoon, August 24th, at The Baxter Farm Home near Granada, Minnesota.

This text was copied from the site below, set up as far as I can determine by the grandson of one of her brothers.
The site no longer exists except in its archived form. Navigate with the drop down menu at the top left.

This page is linked to from Searching For Miracles and Supernatural Healings Case 8

Here find the text of an in depth newspaper article that appeared at the time.

To Whom It May Concern:

             I was there at the Baxter home when Betty was healed, and saw her healed with my own eyes . I knew her before she was healed. I saw how she suffered and how helpless and crippled she was, how she was made well and strong as any normal girl, and is well and strong today.
             Betty asked me one day before she was healed if I would testify for her when she was healed. I promised her I would.
             Betty was healed by the hand of God who undertook for her in answer to prayer.

George Sturm
Granada, Minnesota


Dear Brother Collins:

I am sure that nothing I could say would add to Betty’s testimony except that I know the story she tells is true. I was in their home many times, both before and after Betty was healed. I know how sick she was. I saw her crippled up just as she describes herself. Especially do I remember the time she sent for me to come, about two day before she was healed. It was almost like a little visit in heaven. She told me that she was to be healed and asked George, my husband, and me to be there. She set the time for us to come (2:30 P.M. the following Sunday).

 I have since heard Betty give her testimony many times and each time I have been unable to keep back the tears, as I remember how the whole family was under such a burden because of Betty’s condition, as well as the terrible suffering of Betty herself.

The Baxters are just common people, and what God has done for them He will do for all who will humble themselves and seek Him with believing hearts.

Mrs. George Sturm
Granada, Minnesota


Testimony of Mrs. William Baxter, Betty’s Mother, Who Was Present When Betty Was Healed, Sunday Afternoon, August 24th

     My personal testimony regarding my daughter Betty’s healing. It is a day I shall never forget. It was August 24th, when our wonderful Saviour touched Betty’s afflicted body and completely healed her that Sunday afternoon.

   As we knelt to pray the mighty power of God came upon us. From then on I hardly knew what was happening. I rose to my feet and was standing praising God even before Betty was healed that afternoon, and I was fully expecting her healing then.

The Lord has given Betty a wonderful privilege of telling the gospel story to thousands of how Jesus can save from all sin and heal today as He did at the beginning of the church and Christian era. We know that "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Praise His Holy Name.

Mrs. William Baxter
Blue Earth, Minnesota


Testimony of Mrs. George Teubner, Betty Baxter’s Sunday School Teacher

While Praying for Betty Baxter’s healing, before this particular time, I was assured that she would be healed, and that she would be an evangelist. I did not know just when, but as I drove over to the Baxter home that Sunday afternoon, August 24th, I prayed earnestly that God would give me the assurance about when she would be healed. The answer came to me that Betty would be healed that afternoon. I expected it to happen.
Something happened which I did not expect. I will tell what it was further on in my testimony.

As the friends gathered in it seemed as though everyone was waiting for something to come or happen. As the hour drew near, Betty asked for a drink of water. Her sister, Wanda, brought her a glass of water with a drinking tube, for Betty could not raise her head enough to drink from the glass without a tube. She sat in a chair with her head resting on her knee.

It was now nearing the hour for the fulfillment of the promise which Betty had been assured of her healing. Mrs. Baxter said: "It is time for us to pray." Betty was still sitting in the large chair. Wanda, Betty’s sister, and her aunt, Mrs. Earl Adams, knelt on one side of the chair and Mrs. Baxter and I knelt on the other side. Mrs. Baxter asked me to lead in prayer. I prayed a short prayer, as it seemed to me there wasn’t much for me to say. Mrs. Baxter asked Betty if she wanted to pray. She did not answer nor did she pray. her mother asked a second time if she wanted to pray. Still no answer. I thought that was very strange. I looked up at Betty, and she seemed to be looking at something. The south door of the room was opened, and all at once something like a gust of wind filled the room. Then Betty said: "O I see Jesus coming!" Then she went on to heal her. Then, all of a sudden she SPRANG to her feet, raised her arms above her head, and shouted: "HE Healed Me! He Healed Me!" Then with her arms. which only a minute before were both paralyzed, she picked up one of the dining chairs, raised it above her head and shouted: "SEE WHAT MY GOD CAN DO FOR ME!"

Now I will tell you what happened to me, which I did not expect. I expected to see Betty Baxter healed, but did not expect what happened to me. When I laid my hands upon Betty and the power of God which touched her and healed her, also fell upon me. There are no words which express or explain it. It was the most wonderful experience I ever had. I never was demonstrative, as all my friends know, but it seemed that my very body would burst if I did not give vent to my feelings some way!

Dear friends, I believe this was only a little taste of what the saints of the Lord shall experience when they come face to face with our blessed Redeemer. O, what God would do for His people if they would only let Him have His way in their lives!

I have told many people about Betty’s healing and my experience, and it has been a blessing to both saint and sinner. May this testimony be the means of many believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for their Salvation and for their healing.

Mrs. George Teubner
Winnebago, Minnesota